
College Counseling

The College Counseling Office is a gateway to our students from the Lycée to life far beyond. Our students come from all over the world, and they bring fascinating life experiences with them.

Our college counselors work one-on-one with students as they prepare to apply to colleges, universities, CPGEs (Classes Préparatoires aux Grandes Écoles), and other academic programs all over the world. Our team brings extensive knowledge and understanding of the U.S., French, the UK, and Canadian application processes, as well as dual-degree international programs. To remain current, our college counselors travel all over the world to visit colleges and meet with admissions professionals.

College Counselors

To support their unique profile, the Lycée's College Counseling Office is a team of five professionals with deep experience in international higher education and admissions, as well as counseling and support. Working always with our students’ interests and passions in mind, the team's mission is:
  • to educate each student about their post-Baccalaureate options
  • to serve as a trusted resource for advice about the application process, and 
  • to empower students in their decision-making.

Gail Berson, Director of College Counseling

Our students come to the conversation about post-secondary education with unique experiences: achievement in a rigorous academic program, knowledge of an inter-connected world, and a commitment to make a difference in it throughout their lives. In turn, we - as college counselors - listen, support and guide them and their families in preparation for the transition from the Lycée to the next step in their educational journey.

Individual Support for Students

One-to-one meetings and special daytime and evening programs are complemented by visits from college admissions professionals. With ongoing reflection and program innovation to meet the evolving needs of our unique international community, as well as extensive collaboration with college counseling teams across the country, the Lycée's College Counseling Office is one of the most robust college counseling programs in the country.

List of 4 items.

  • 9th Grade

    Day and evening programs for parents provide context for the college application process abroad and in the U.S., information on standardized testing (ACT and SAT), financial aid, college admission standards, and co-curricular and summer activities.
  • 10th Grade

    Day and evening programming for parents is complemented by a 10th-grade field trip to visit nearby colleges and universities. Accompanied by the College Counseling team and their advisors, students have a first chance to observe university life and what it may look like regardless of their ultimate country choice. The College Counseling Office also co-hosts family meetings with the Director of the High School to discuss the last two years of the Bac and the course choices for the BFI.
  • 11th Grade

    In January, an initial family meeting is scheduled with each student’s assigned counselor. Students then continue to meet one-on-one with members of the college counseling team, depending on their areas of interest and countries they are exploring for higher education. Guidance on making college visits, choosing an area of study, and financial aid are all topics of conversation.

    Students also are required to participate in five Orientation sessions in which they learn about universities around the globe, are introduced to the software platforms through which they apply, and engage in workshops specially designed to sharpen their abilities to write strong college essays.
  • 12th Grade

    Work intensifies with additional workshops on writing college essays and preparing for college interviews, as well as one-on-one meetings with their counselor to talk about making a college list and receive ongoing support in making choices—from first acceptance all the way through the completion of the French Baccalaureate Exams. University recruiters from all over the world provide insight on academic opportunities and campus life at their institutions during their visits to the Lycée, either virtually or in person.

SAT/ACT Test Prep

The College Counseling Office directs families interested in private test preparation to Academic Approach, a vendor with specific knowledge of the French curriculum. Families receive information about test prep at the end of Y9, enabling them to contact Academic Approach or the tutoring company of their choice to plan a program of study.

The Lycée administers the PSAT to all Y10 and Y11 students. Any student choosing to sit for an SAT or ACT must register through the College Board or the American College Testing program directly and find local sites for testing dates.

Since some Advanced Placement (AP) courses are offered at the Lycée at substitutions within the BFI, the Lycée administers AP exams at school every May. Registration for all exams occurs in the fall, and information is sent out to all families and students in Y10, Y11 and Y12  in time to meet deadlines.

Our Team

List of 4 members.

  • Photo of Gail Berson

    Gail Berson 

    Director of College Counseling
  • Photo of Anne Chojnacki-Joseph

    Anne Chojnacki-Joseph 

    Associate Director of College Counseling
  • Photo of Winston Miller

    Winston Miller 

    Associate Director of College Counseling
  • Photo of William Simpson

    William Simpson 

    College Counseling Administrative Assistant / Early High School Counselor

Written Correspondance

Should be directed to:

Lycée Français de New York
Attn: College Counseling Office
505 East 75th Street
New York, NY 10021-3462
© 2022 Lycée Français de New York. All Rights Reserved.